Useful places saved to a public Google Maps list - anyone should be able to add to it.
Welcome Map from near Lustadstua. Note Lustadvatnet has many small and medium fish!
- Eikebu: Tangvegen 71, 7718 Steinkjer, Norway
- Bins: Hyllbrua, 7718 Steinkjer, Norway
- Big mall - Sjofartsgata 2, 7714 Steinkjer
- Coop Steinkjer AS (Obs): Groceries etc
- Sport Outlet: Fishing gear
- Cielo (upstairs): cafe
- Public toilets!
- Biltema - Bomvegen 7A, 7725 Steinkjer
- Byggmakker - Sagbruksvegen 8, 7725 Steinkjer
- Paint (easiest to bring a photo of the label of something in the paint shed)
- Train station - 7713 Steinkjer, Norway
- Train runs regularly from Trondheim airport to Steinkjer (~2 hrs, ~280NOK pp single, ~5 min walk from passport control/customs)
- Various bus stations - see, download the app, or just Google it
- There’s a bus from Steinkjer to Gaulstad - which is still a half hour walk away
- There’s a schoolbus that runs further (but only during the school year)